Three puma’s in the backyard

[wtr-time]This is why I love CouchSurfing so much. In Prague I decided to go the weekly Prague meetup event. My friends were very sceptical about this, but somehow I managed to talk them into it. During our 30 min walk to the location, a bar, we realised it was somewhere outside the city centre. It didn’t take too long before my friends were making jokes about how we will be kidnapped in this area, it was almost midnight. The further we walked the creepier the streets seemed. Finally we arrived in a very cheap bar that looked empty. But as we went through to a garden out the back there were a huge group of people sitting on picnic tables. We made it. With a large beer in my hand (way too cheap even by Prague standards) I was talking to some guys. One of them from Brazil, managed to travel in Europe as a driver of a music band (lucky guy). Another one was a Swedish chef who was on wine tour for his restaurant. They told me there are THREE PUMAS 🐅 in a large outside cage that has a walkway around the top of the pub. With the pumas running around in the background we discussed with Chi-Chi (Sweden), Edward (U.K.) and Kirsi (Finland) politics and the future of Edward’s country. Would BREXIT really happen? Chi-Chi suggested we go to a classic prohibition Black Angel’s Bar exclusively serves complicated and high-end cocktails.

Prague Astronomical Clock during night, on the left.

While being amazed by the ambiance of the bar we also found out a hidden talent of Chi-Chi. He was a master of cocktail tasting! Safe to say I’m now a connoisseur in… whatever the fuck I was drinking 😂👌. And it all started with a simple Couch Surfing event.

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